
Google UI/ UX Certificate – While taking my Google UI/ UX certificate courses, I was given a brief to design a mobile app that allowed gamers to quickly and easily log and track their high scores for various games and consoles.

My Role

Defined the goals of the UX Research

Facilitated user experience testing and feedback sessions

Designed and developed wireframes and hi-fidelity prototypes


There are a few different high score tracking apps for board games, but not many for video games. I felt that there was a need for an app designed with gamers in mind that provided a quick and efficient way to log and track high scores with the ability to participate in global leaderboards and rankings.


“Gaming ain’t a game.”

Meet Abigale, my persona. Abigale is a 22 year old software developer who lives in Seattle, Washington with her two cats, Crash and Bandicoot. She spends the majority of her free time gaming online and developing her own indie games. She enjoys competitive play and is extremely proud of her high scores. She hangs out with her friends every Tuesday and Thursday at the local arcade for game nights after work. 

Pain Points

  • Lack of a dedicated video game high score tracking app.
  • High scores are time consuming to upload on websites. 
  • Can’t create custom groups for personalized leaderboards.


Create a highly engaging app that allows a player to quickly upload their high score in between rounds or games. Incorporate features that both casual and competitive gamers use during a typical gaming session.

Architecture & Design

New Score User Flow

Creating a list of essential functions and sketching out ideas helped me create an intuitive user flow experience. 


Quickly sketching out the essential functions of the app helped initiate the design process and gave me a good idea of what core functions I felt needed to be quickly accessed.


After a few changes to the sketches, I was ready to build out wireframes and make a clickable prototype. The prototype helped me narrow down key features and streamline certain areas of my design.


Issue #1

Homepage had redundant functions

Solution #1

Removed redundancies

Issue #2

No score confirmation

Solution #2

Added score confirmation


User #1

Confirmation window after submitting score

Highlight navigation bar

User #2

Larger leaderboard

Confirmation window after submitting a high score.

User #3

Declutter home screen

High Fidelity Prototype