
Client requested an app that could catalogue different hiking trails across the United States. Key features included hiking wish list, ability to social network, share media files, and earn badges and awards for completing different hikes and trails. The client wanted the app to serve more as a multimedia platform for hikers rather than a hiking companion app. “Think Facebook or Instagram for hikers”. 

My Role

Defined the goals of the UX Research

Facilitated user experience testing and feedback sessions

Designed and developed wireframes and hi-fidelity prototypes


There are a few different hiking companion apps that provide some of the functionality the client had requested, but none of them were social media focused and driven. I was challenged to develop a design that put social engagement and content at the forefront. 


“Hiking is social.”

Meet Armando, my persona. Armando is a 30 year old wedding photographer who lives in St. George, Utah with his wife and three kids. He spends the majority of his free time traveling around the state perfecting his craft of photography and enjoying the outdoors. Armando enjoys hiking and sharing memories with friends and family.  On most of his days off, you can find him outdoors with his camera in hand, ready to share his perspective with the world. 

Pain Points

  • Lack of a dedicated hiking social media app
  • Apps not focused on community engagement 
  • Can’t create sharable hiking lists 


Create a highly engaging app that allows a a user to share media, engage with community members, and log and track hikes. Incorporate features that users are familiar with with other social media platforms. 

Architecture & Design

New Hike User Flow

Creating a list of essential functions and sketching out ideas helped me create an intuitive user flow experience that felt familiar to other social media apps while new and exciting at the same time. 


Sketching out the initial designs helped give me perspective on what was important to consider as key features and the layout that best encourages user engagement.


After reviewing and modifying the sketches, I was ready to build wireframes and make a clickable prototype. The prototype helped me get a better understanding of the key features and focus my design.


Issue #1

Difficult to tell who posted on updates on feed

Solution #1

Added large profile pictures above posts

Issue #2

Media upload screen was too cluttered and confusing

Solution #2

Cleaned up the clutter and added a large “Add Media” button


User #1

User’s trail name should display first

Highlight navigation bar icons

User #2

Lock navigation bar when creating new hike

Display number of completed hikes on lists

User #3

Badges should larger on profile screen

High Fidelity Prototype